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Divine Discontent

Channeled Messages & Activation Question

Hello, beautiful souls!

This week’s guidance & channeled massages for you! First shared live in Soulful Living and Shadow Work for Spiritual Entrepreneurs.

Some notable moments:
around the 1 min mark there’s an unexplained flash. From the 3 min mark on there are little ‘visitors’ around. Around 5:05 minute mark there is a little visitor orb that floats above my head. I’ve seen them in videos of mine before and just wrote them off as {insert rational explanations here}, but now other people are noticing them too?

Perhaps they are the faeries a psychic told me to ‘let in’ years ago. Hm. I can dig it.

Summary (ish) & Activation Question:

For the first half hour of the video, I could not see comments, so the message is a collective reading digging into this month’s energy analysis.

Have you ever felt what I call ‘divine discontent,’ that quiet rumbling when nothing in life seems to fit but you aren’t sure where to start or what to focus on?

Could you begin to see that as a gift?

Like a waking limb, it may be a bit painful at first to ‘awaken’ but to bring this awareness to where your life is craving expansion, where it is craving more love is the first step to owning your place as co-creator of your masterpiece.

Tell me: is there some place in your life, business, or relationship that is really standing out as needing attention this month? Is there an old story that is needing to be released and rewritten?

Love first, love always

Kismet Alchemy
Kismet Alchemy
Amelia Kismet